" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/sre/sre01006/u/16.jpg">



  • 針對“反應慢”的問題和受傷部位。
  • 促進迴圈,出汗和動力的進一步增加。
  • 加速預熱和修復時間。
  • 抗肌肉疲勞和傷痛,如脛骨疼,拉傷。


在運動前,將足量的 Sweet Sweat 甜蜜汗水局部凝膠塗抹在所有所需區域的皮膚上,不用摩擦。Sweet Sweat 甜蜜汗水由您提高的心率啟動,並在有氧運動,環行和高間隔訓練期間發揮更好的作用。

為了獲得更好結果:使用 Sweet Sweat 產品前請勿塗抹乳霜,否則可能影響使用效果。使用 Sweet Sweat 時應穿著寬鬆衣物,以減少摩擦,增加“透氣性”。游泳和蒸桑拿(乾蒸或紅外)時也可使用 Sweet Sweat。配合 Sweet Sweat 吸汗腰帶使用效果更佳。

卸載:運動後或桑拿後噴淋冷卻前,先把身上的 Sweet Sweat 擦乾淨。

網路價:1,301元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,236
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/sre/sre01235/u/0.jpg">


  • Leaping Bunny Certified
  • No Animals Were Used to Test This Product
  • Informed-Choice.Org - Trusted by Sport

When used during exercise:

  • Promotes an additional increase in circulation, sweating and motivation.
  • Targets "Slow to Respond" problem areas.
  • Accelerates warm-up and cool-down time.
  • Helps reduce muscle fatigue, soreness and strains.
  • Creates a clean, fresh scent during your workout.


Before exercise, apply an ample amount of Sweet Sweat topical gel to the skin, coating all desired areas without rubbing in. Sweet Sweat is activated by your elevated heart rate and works best during cardio, circuit, and high interval training.

For Best Results: Using Sweet Sweat over any topical cream or lotion will inhibit result. Sweet Sweat should be worn under loose fitting clothing to prevent friction and increase "breathability". Sweet Sweat can also be used while swimming, and in dry or infrared saunas. For optimal results, use with Sweet Sweat Neoprene Trimmers.

Removal: After exercise and the normal "cool down" period, towel off Sweet Sweat first before showering.

網路價:614元,結帳享5%折扣後 584
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/sre/sre01236/u/0.jpg">


  • Leaping Bunny Certified
  • No Animals Were Used to Test This Product
  • Informed-Choice.Org - Trusted by Sport

When used during exercise:

  • Promotes an additional increase in circulation, sweating and motivation.
  • Targets "Slow to Respond" problem areas.
  • Accelerates warm-up and cool-down time.
  • Helps reduce muscle fatigue, soreness and strains.
  • Natural coconut aroma creates a fresh scent during your workout.


Before exercise, apply an ample amount of Sweet Sweat topical gel to the skin, coating all desired areas without rubbing in. Sweet Sweat is activated by your elevated heart rate and works best during cardio, circuit, and high interval training.

For Best Results: Using Sweet Sweat over any topical cream or lotion will inhibit result. Sweet Sweat should be worn under loose fitting clothing to prevent friction and increase "breathability". Sweet Sweat can also be used while swimming, and in dry or infrared saunas. For optimal results, use with Sweet Sweat Neoprene Trimmers.

Removal: After exercise and the normal "cool down" period, towel off Sweet Sweat first before showering.

網路價:614元,結帳享5%折扣後 584